
Saturday, July 2, 2016

2 More Earning Apps

Selling your pictures you take via your smartphone is a option for smartphone owners. If you are a good photographer, you should consider joining the two sites featured in this post. PicaStock will be the earning app mentioned.

Similar to Foap and other apps that allow you to sell your photography from you cellphone, PicaStock consider themselves to the app to some of the best authentic photos and discover new ones. The earning app also allow you to share your photos on social media and see other photographers taking similar photos. If you have photo on your Instagram, flickr, or dropbox, you can upload them as well. In regards to pay, PicaStock rewards users with a 50% commission on each sale. There is more information about PicaStock in the PlayStore.

According to the app description, PhoFun is one of the newer apps in this space. After reading the app description, it seems like the have a point system. There was no conversion rates mentioned. The app seems to help there users, they give helpful information about titles, and even offer missions to earn more coins. For more information, use your cellphone and learn about the app yourself.


Friday, July 1, 2016

Earn Gift Cards with S'more

Photo Credit Pixabay

It is safe to say that lockscreen apps are becoming increasingly popular, and they are perfect for smartphone owners. If you are not familiar with lockscreen apps, keep reading. Today we will talk about S'more.

What is S'more? S'more is a lockscreen app. According to S'more, they will be renting your lockscreen space of your smartphone.

How Do I Get Paid?

Like other earning apps, S'more pays users via points. Once users reach the required amount of points, he or she will be able to cash out and receive a gift cards. The app description does not say anything about PayPal redemptions. Users are required to accumulated 150 points to receive their first cash out and 100 points for redemptions after that.
Number of Downloads.
S'more has 10,000 downloads.

In closing, S'more is similar to other lockscreen apps available for download. Hint: users will not get paid for interacting with content. He or she will be only wasting their time interacting for extra points. You can learn more about this app from your smartphone. Get to downloading!

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Be Social on Rabadaba.

Photo Creidt: Myself via Paint

If you spend a lot of time on social media, you might as well get paid for doing it. Before, you dive in and begin posting and liking what others are doing on the earning app featured in this post, Rabadaba.
How Does Rabadaba Work?
Rabadaba, is similiar to other social media sites you are most likely apart of it. On Rabadaba, users earn money doing the following things: posting, sharing, voting, and reporting inappropiate content.
Type of Post Allowed
There is nothing new compared to other social media sites on the web, Rabadaba works just like the other one. With that being said, users can post photos, videos, and audio and test post.
Payment Info
Virtual Currency
Like other online sites, Rabadaba has it own currency, called credits.
Payment Processor
The sites sends payments to PayPal in the form of U.S. Dollars. Users can select their own minimum payment amount as well.

How do I Earn Credits?
Users earn credits each time he or she votes on content. For each vote, users will receive 1 credit.
When another user upvote your post, you will earn 1 credit.

If your reshares get votes, you will earn 1 credit

If you find something inappropiate and report it to the apps admins, you will earn 1 credit for your good deed.
If you find a piece of content that you give that user a tip. I am not sure, but this tip may cause your earning to decrease.
For more information, you can go to the Google PlayStore, or the AppStore to review the app for yourself.