Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Benefits of Running a Blog/Website

Photo Credit Pixabay

If you own a blog and/or website, you are aware of the benefits that come along with creating a website/blog. They are listed below.


You get to be Creative
As a blogger, I love the fact that I created something for people to read. In addition, I decide the way the content will be written, and how many articles I can do a day.

You Can Earn Money
If you like to turn your blog into a source of income, you can. If you can wait until you build a decent audience, earning money from your website is an option.

It is Residual Income
This is the best part of earning money from your blog. With that being said, bloggers and website owners, earn money off each article. Thats right, you can earn money for writing an article just once.

You  are Sharing Your Knowledge
Bloggers and websites owners are sharing what they know about a particular their particular niche. Aftetr someone reads your blog, they leave learning something knew.

It is easy to do.
Setting up a blog is not difficult. Webhosting sites, such as Blogger, Wordpress, and Wix, make creating a website easy.
You are your Own Boss
Bloggers are self-employed. That means, bloggers have the ability to create their own work schedule. I am sure most of you will love this perk.

In closing, blogger/website owners have a lot of benefits, however, there are few negatives as well, but the benefits always outweigh the negatives.

1 comment:

  1. I just got a check for $500.

    Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much money you can earn taking paid surveys online...

    So I took a video of myself actually getting paid $500 for filling paid surveys to set the record straight once and for all.
